An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.

  • Netcat Use Cases and Examples
    Introduction: In the realm of cybersecurity, penetration testing plays a crucial role in identifying vulnerabilities and assessing the overall security posture of systems. Netcat, a versatile networking utility, has emerged as an essential tool for penetration testers. With its ability to establish raw network connections, Netcat enables professionals to conduct various tests and simulations, making …
  • What is a SUID?
    As well as the standard read, write and execute permissions applied to files there are some special permissions. These include SUID, SGID, and sticky bit. SUID stands for Set owner User ID upon execution. Normally when a program runs, it inherits permissions from the logged-on user. When the SUID special permission is applied to a …
  • Sending and Receiving Files Using Netcat
    Netcat, often shortened to nc is a utility for reading from and writing to network connections using TCP or UDP. Its often viewed as the swiss army knife of network utilities and can be driven directly or used in scripts. To send a file using netcat, on the receiving server: On the server sending the …
  • Managing File Permissions
    In order to see what permissions have been set on a file the ls command can be used. So what does all that mean? All of the lines start with a string like -rw-rw-r– or drwxrwxr-x. Lets brake this down. The first character can be either – or d, – denotes a file and d …
  • Managing Groups in Linux
    Groups play an important role in controlling the access to files and resources in Linux. However, group management is a little different in Linux from that of Windows. One difference is that when a user is created, a group with the same name as the user is also created. So if we set up a …
  • Managing Users in Linux
    Creating users in Linux is fairly straightforward and achieved as most things in Linux are, via the command line. To create a user account locally, make sure you sudo and run a command like the one below: OK, so what do all the command line options do? To check the user has been created correctly …